KJ is an 11 year old boy who was admitted to the High Dependence Unit (HDU) ward of Mulago hospital, by his mother. KJ’s problems began at birth when his father abandoned the family just a few days after he was born due to family misunderstandings. This left KJ’s mother with the responsibility of five children yet she was jobless. Amidst this hardship, she managed to find a relatively low paying job and used the little she earned to send her children to school and care for the family.  Unfortunately, she was later advised to stop working due to a heart condition. 

KJ fell sick in primary school and discontinued his education, after multiple medical evaluations discovered he had a posterior urethral valve, a congenital (present at birth) condition that results in failure to pass urine normally.  KJ was always in and out of hospitals and has undergone multiple surgeries to repair his defect with no improvement. His condition worsened with the developing complications of renal failure, high blood pressure, heart failure, and recurrent urinary tract infections.

KJ was admitted in critical condition with multiple complications.  He required a number of expensive investigative tests which had to be done at a private laboratory. He also required several drugs which are rarely stocked in the Mulago Hospital pharmacy. His mother could not afford these tests and medications. On reaching the father on phone, he said he had no money and advised her to sell their only house back home. With little support from relatives, she could not carry on her own.

Caring Hands Foundation (CHF – chimamm.org) was contacted by KJ’s primary care team.  The CHF medical team reviewed the patient, interacted with the primary team on the ward, and later funded the expense for the drugs and laboratory investigation that were required.  KJ’s mother was very grateful. KJ’s condition has improved and he is still under care at Mulago at this time.     

KJ was fortunate this time round but there are many other children that are suffering because of abandonment, medical illness, and lack of social support. Through CHIMAMM, we are able to offer not only medical care but counselling and guidance for patients. This helps them to know there is someone who cares for them and that they can trust and believe in God “from whom all blessings flow”. Our services bring hope and restoration to those who are in desperate state of need.

Mawanda John


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