It all gets down to this doesn’t it? You’ve visited the website, you’ve looked at the pictures, you’ve read the patient’s and CHF staffs testimonies, so now what?
As Jesus said, “The fields are white unto harvest, but the laborers are few.” How true I have found this statement to be while working in Uganda over the last six years. The opportunity for ministry is endless here, whether you are talking about spreading the Gospel, to medically treating patients, to meeting basic needs of people, to financing a young child’s chance for an education.
How can help? Let me count the ways. If you are a Christian, the number one thing you need to do is put CHF on your regular prayer list! Yes, that is the most important need we have, and once you come over and see for yourself what we do on the front lines, you will agree. But you have to be serious about it. Prayer is serious! There is probably nothing worse than attempting to do God’s work using self effort. Please see the story of the children of Israel when they decided on their own to take the promised land without God’s blessing after disobeying Him. The results were disastrous. A Christian must always be led by the Spirit, if his or her ministry is going to have success. Grab the kids, design a big CHF sign, and then put it on your refrigerator and get the whole family praying for us.
The second way, is get online and consider regular financial giving. We are trying to make the process as simple as possible. The form is easy to fill out. We take all major credit cards. Drop us an email at “” and tell us how you want the money to be spent. I am particularly happy with our CHF accounting that gets your money to the people and projects that we are working with. I want to caution all of you that corruption and deceit with regard to giving to organizations around the globe is a very big problem. I encourage you to get to know us or anyone you are sending money to, because there are many unscrupulous people out here. We have no big overhead costs involved to drain away your donation, (as I take care of those myself), so your financial help goes directly to where you want it to go. Remember, your US dollar is worth over 2600 Ugandan shillings at the time of this writing, so you money goes a loooooong way here. You can feed a family for a week here for five bucks.
We are developing new areas on the website that will give you more information about each project or individuals we are assisting. For example, we are working on updating you on how some of our patient’s medical conditions are, and who might need extra help with their hospital expenses. Yesterday we just transferred and admitted a child with SEVERE malnutrition and close to death. You might want of follow her story. Many of our patients spend weeks to months in the hospital getting treatment.
Our Kasensero primary school construction project needs funding. We will be adding a portion of our site dedicated to updating you about the the ongoing construction of the school. We will try to place the blueprints or at least an architectural rendition of the school online along with the proposed estimated costs. We will try to break down those costs, so that if you want to give a hundred dollars, you will know just what that will purchase. Our big need at the moment is fencing in our 5 acres of land, so that we can keep the cows out, and locals from using the land as some sort of dumping ground. All the land is bought and paid for.
If any of you want to support a child by paying their school fees, we have an endless list of names at your request. Just email us, and we will set you up with any number of children along with the costs involved.
Thirdly, come on over and help us. Discouraged with the struggle of American culture stealing your children’s spiritual lives? There is nothing like getting your 8 year old son or your 14 year old daughter to see someone their own age living in a shack that you or I would not keep our dogs in. There is something about seeing the harsh reality of life face to face that will change your children’s perspective forever. You can talk to your kids about giving and being thankful for what they have until you are blue in the face, but until they see how most people live in this world up close and personal, the chances of them really understanding the self-indulgent culture they live in is a remote one. Bringing your family for short term missions will bring your family close together. You will experience worshiping God in a whole new way. You might even learn that dancing in church is a good thing. It will change your life and their lives forever.
If you are not a Christian or are weirded out by all this “Jesus talk”, take heart, we at CHF are patient, and nearly everything we do has a simple humanitarian approach to it. Don’t pass us by as a bunch of religious nuts. We’re not. We’re not perfect… yet. We just know where we are going after we die, and we get renewed each day by the One who made us, and yes, we believe we were created by God and we did not crawl out of some slime pit millions of years ago by chance. Give us a try, and IF you are TRULY seeking for truth, you will eventually find it at the Cross of Christ. We would humbly recommend that you pick up a Bible and read the book of John. We just might be your guide to eternal life. We don’t bite.
Let us know how you like the website. We want and request your feedback as we are striving to make this site something you want to check out on a daily basis. WE WANT TO BE HABIT FORMING!
Come on. The adventure is waiting.
Dr. Charles R. Holt D.O.
President Caring Hands Foundation