Caring Hands Foundation is also actively involved in creating and developing educational opportunities throughout Uganda. We have financially assisted in the building of a new secondary school and family resource center located on Lingira Island for SHIM. We have purchased ground, and are in the process of constructing a new primary school in Kasensero. Our architects have completed the blueprints, and we are waiting for the last of the governmental paperwork to be completed before we begin actual construction. Our hope is to give over 300 children, many being HIV orphans, the opportunity to go to school, and to develop worldwide sponsors for these children.

Caring Hands Foundation financially supports many school children throughout Uganda by paying their school fees. The bulk of these students are enrolled in secondary schools, but we fund preschoolers, primary school pupils, and even college and vocational school students.
Caring Hands Foundation has funded the building of a remote Women’s Health Clinic/Orphanage on the outskirts of Kampala that houses five orphaned children and also serves as a local clinic for providing prenatal, delivery, and postpartum healthcare.